The End of the World

In December 2012 the Mayan Calendar comes to an end. After 12.000 years there is no next day. The end of the world as many say.  Since many years, scientists are searching for the right place to be at on the last month of this year. The safest place on earth. Some say it is Africa, others say it is in Asia. We are doomed. December 2011 was the last new years eve. The last Christmas. There is no 2013. Is this really the case?  Or do we have certain doom thinkers in our midst. People who feel the need to give us fear.

Who are these people to tell about the complete destruction of our planet?  What moves these men to convince us from the bad times we are going to meet. Based on what knowledge? Does it mean that all the uprisings and revolutions in the Arab world are of no use? Or the Slavic Spring, which is happening today as well. Russia, Hungary, Slovenia and Romania. All people united to take back what was stolen from us. Freedom and Dignity. Is it a waste of time or the beginning of a new era?

With the millennium we entered the Aquarius Era. After more than 2100 years we arrived in a time of consciousness. Combined with the end of a 12.000 year old era we are definitely going to see total change. A time to stand up and to realise we let our leaders controlling us way too long. We followed like dependent sheep. Like slaves. The last convulsions of these policy makers are sending fear among us. Climate disasters and Global terrorist attacks. Governments are using their last efforts to get us back in line.

The uprising in the Middle East, Africa and Asia. The occupy movements all over America and Europe.  Never in history it was on such a large-scale as it is today. Never ever so many nations are united to show their leaders that we don’t take it anymore.  The time has come. To give back the world to its people.

A turning point: Welcome to a new world. Welcome to our world.

  1. #1 by Elena Boccoli on January 24, 2012 - 9:38 am

    Great article and so true

  1. Christian

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